Welcome to Primal Warrior!

The purpose of this blog is twofold:

1. To help spread the word about Primal Nutrition and the entire way of life surrounding it.

2. To provide information on my particular fitness activities and athletic development. I may eventually use the protocol I'm currently testing to create my own brand of athletic training.

I will be posting quite often, so stay tuned! Oh, and feel free to drop me a line any time if you have any questions related to any topic this blog focuses on!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pain is weakness blah blah blah...

Okay, so today I woke up a little later than usual to make up for staying up just a little too late last night. I woke up sore as hell from yesterday's session, but ready and rarin' to go today! I got my big cup o' coffee in, then went straight to work! Here's what I did:

Grok Squat*
Grok Hang*
10xAir Squat
10xKettlebell Swing
Samson Stretch, 10 breaths each side*

Workout, Part 1:
"1/4 Angie" For time:
25 Pull-ups
25 Push-ups
25 Sit-ups
25 Squats

Part 2:
Kettlebell Complex
3 Rounds (5 reps per arm), do not let go of the kettlebell except to switch hands
10xClean & Press

Kettlebell Floor Press
Med Ball Floor Chest Pass
Turkish Get-up

*Grok Squat: Basically a squatting position with heels on the floor. It lightly stretches the muscles in the hips and legs.
*Grok Hang: Easier than it sounds. Grab a pull-up bar or tree branch or anything else and hang from it. It helps to loosen up the spine and stretches the muscles in the back and core.
*Samson Stretch: Exaggerated lunge with arms overhead and a slight backbend. Literally stretches everything!

Nutritional info soon to come! As many of you know, I follow a diet (read: lifestyle) called the Primal Blueprint. I hope to be able to reach out to more people about this semi-revolutionary idea because it really does work! I'm working on preparing a comprehensive introduction, then I will start writing articles focusing on specific topics and points of interest, along with copious amounts of research. Stay tuned!

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